Tag: communications

“Don’t wear this shirt: around your editer.”

Picture from Woot.

Great copy sells, and no one knows that better than Woot. The site that is all about offering amazing deals for fun gadgets is also known for it’s dryly-humorous t-shirts. But, the site is also incredibly fun to browse, and not just for the great deals. The copywriters there have nailed witty sales copy.

The description for this shirt had me laughing out loud. First, because I am all about good grammar and second, because the writing is just so clever.

Take a look at this section:

i’m 24 and my name’s craig and i just graduated college and i’m having a hard time finding a job because all the old fogies who do the hiring are like ‘u can’t write!” their such jerks! i can to write! Continue reading ““Don’t wear this shirt: around your editer.””

Friday Flubs: “I left my last page of the speech. Does anybody have my last page?” – Senator Marco Rubio

Every Friday’s post is a collection of typos or grammatical errors I’ve spotted throughout the week. Sometimes they are things I find while out and about and sometimes they are things I find on the Internet. If you are anything like me, these typos drive you crazy, especially when they come from people who should know better.

This might be cheating a little. But, I couldn’t help it. When a senator, and possible running mate for Mitt Romney, loses the last page of his speech, you can’t just ignore it. So, I decided to save this week’s typos for next week, and share this video. Continue reading “Friday Flubs: “I left my last page of the speech. Does anybody have my last page?” – Senator Marco Rubio”

Friday Flubs: Two in One? Ouch!

Every Friday’s post is a collection of typos or grammatical errors I’ve spotted throughout the week. Sometimes they are things I find while out and about and sometimes they are things I find on the Internet. If you are anything like me, these typos drive you crazy, especially when they come from people who should know better.

This week’s flubs are admittedly hard to catch. Most of them were buried deep into the content and some are very subtle. But, no matter how small or how deep, they still have a negative impact on the overall quality of the content.

Continue reading “Friday Flubs: Two in One? Ouch!”

Friday Flubs: I Don’t Think That’s The Kind of Party You Meant

Every Friday’s post is a collection of typos or grammatical errors I’ve spotted throughout the week. Sometimes they are things I find while out and about and sometimes they are things I find on the Internet. If you are anything like me, these typos drive you crazy, especially when they come from people who should know better.

I have to admit, when I was flipping through a mailer yesterday, this doozy made me laugh out loud.

Is it just me or would “potting party” be a better choice of words here? Continue reading “Friday Flubs: I Don’t Think That’s The Kind of Party You Meant”